We have represented property owners, business owners, landlords, tenants, and mortgage banks in disputes arising out of commercial real estate. We can assist at every stage from preliminary negotiation to lawsuits, bankruptcy, and foreclosure.
We have experience representing both commercial landlords and tenants in disputes over various issues arising from the landlord-tenant relationship. We have also successfully represented guarantors of commercial leases in litigation.
We have experience drafting leases on behalf of commercial landlords and negotiating on behalf of commercial tenants. We can help you avoid the pitfalls of using a generic DIY lease with ambiguities that cause future problems.
Are you selling a building or looking to purchase one for your business? Work with an attorney you can trust to look out for you. We can work with you to prepare a contract with reasonable contingencies and a fair due diligence period. We help prepare OPRA requests to obtain public records on assessments, easements, and zoning rules.
If you own a multi-unit building and are thinking about converting it to a condominium, we can assist you with preparing the paperwork for recording the condominium and setting up bylaws.
We have experience representing Homeowners Associations, Condo Boards, and residents in disputes arising out of violations of bylaws and nonpayment of assessments.
Leighton Law Group LLC
24548 E. Main St., Suite 101, Columbus Office Park, Columbus, NJ 08022